3rd Grade Math - MD.C.7.A and MD.C.7.B - The Area Of Rectangles
11 Questions
The Area Of Rectangles Introduction
What is the area of the square below?
Which of the rectangles below has an area of 24 square units?
Find the length of the missing side of the rectangle. Type in your answer below.
Mr. Rodriguez is building a sandbox for his son, Raul. The length of the sandbox is 8 feet long and 5 feet wide. What is the area of the sandbox?
Match each rectangle to its missing side.
The following rectangle is partially covered with unit squares.
Find the solution to each problem and put the answers in order from the smallest area to the largest area.
Nyla loves to play golf. She asked her dad to set up some putting greens in their backyard, so he created three small putting greens for her.
Bian wants to put wallpaper on one wall of her room. The wall she wants to put it on is 12 feet long and 10 feet high.
Is it possible for a square and a rectangle to have the same area? Explain your thinking by giving examples.

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