6th Grade Math - Ratios and Proportions - Find And Correct Errors Practice
7 Questions
6th Grade Math - Ratios and Proportions - Find And Correct Errors Introduction
Read the statements from the students regarding this image. One of them has made an error. Identify the student who has made the error.
Read the problem below and decide whether you support Lizzie or Saul.
Akiara is trying to figure out how much money she made per week after getting her $11,200 check after 8 weeks. She made an error.
Find the error.
Courtney is trying to figure out the problem below. She made a mistake. Click on the step where she makes her first mistake.
Cynthia wanted to determine how many yards of snow had fallen during the blizzard last week. She made a mistake. Click on the step where she made her first error.

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