7th Grade Math - EE.B.4.b - Solve Problems Leading To Inequalities Of The Form px + q > r or px + q < r
11 Questions
Solve Problems Leading to Inequalities of the Form px + q > r and px + q < r Introduction
Which of the following number lines represent the solution to the inequality below?
Leonel currently has $125 and he earns $15 for each driveway he shovels snow from.
Joni works at a marine aquarium. One of the tanks holds 6,000 gallons of water.
Match each inequality to its solution.
Hideo gets paid $80 a week plus $7 for each computer he sells.
Lorenzo was trying to solve for x in the inequality below, but made a mistake. Click on the first step where he makes a mistake.
Analyze the number line below. Which word problem would represent the information found on this number line?
Lucille is a kite maker who wants to donate 5 kites to her local middle school to support their kiting club.
Find a number that can make both of the inequalities below true. Explain your thinking.

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