D - Numerical Data
D - Numerical Data
D - Numerical Data
D - Numerical Data

10 Questions


The number of PS games each student has is shown below:


The number of PS games each student has is shown below:


A teacher asked 5 questions in a test. He recorded the number of correct answers of each student.


A teacher asked 5 questions in a test. He recorded the number of correct answers of each student.


A teacher asked 5 questions in a test. He recorded the number of correct answers of each student.


A teacher asked 5 questions in a test. He recorded the number of correct answers of each student.


A survey was conducted on a neighborhood to find out how many digital devices are used in houses.


A survey was conducted on a neighborhood to find out how many digital devices are used in houses.


A survey was conducted on a neighborhood to find out how many digital devices are used in houses.


A survey was conducted on a neighborhood to find out how many digital devices are used in houses.

20 USD

/ per year

Not included in Premium or School Licenses.

"I've been using IB Plato math in alignment with my curriculum every week. It saves me several hours of work - and students benefit from the immediate feedback!" - M Tatar, IB Maths Teacher