Be a Koala'ty Friend
31 Questions
Be a Koala'ty Friend!
My name is Karl! I'm here to help you learn how to be a "Koala"ty (quality) friend.
For example, at school, I am friendly towards others and help others when they need something. I follow the rules and keep my body safe.
At recess, I take turns deciding what to play with my friends. My favorite game is tag. I also include others in games and use kind words. If I get upset, I take a break.
One of my friends can sometimes be "Shelfish" (selfish) with others. He is Connor the crab. He always wants to decide what we play and he always insists on going first...
He wants to learn how to be a kind "Koala"ty friend. You can help him by playing a game with us. On the following questions, if the person does something kind and ...
Joey yelled, "I want to go first!"
Maria said "We can share the ball."
Dana said, "You can get ice cream first."
Julie said, "Sure, I'll be IT this time."
Kevin said, "I'm the best basketball player so I get to pick my team first."
"Sure, you can have some of my Legos to play with," said Theo.
"Yes, you can sit here - we will make room for you," said Trish.
"If we aren't playing what I want, I'm not going to play with you," said Lily.
"I can help you carry those books," said Jasmine.
"Yes, you can join our group," said Charlie.
In art class, Sam made fun of Fiona's painting.
Greg offered to help Ethan clean so they could play outside sooner.
Rick made fun of Lori for reading a book for beginners.
Chris cut in line at the slide.
Amy asked "Are you okay?" when Dorothy fell at recess.
Helen said "Sure!" when Izzy wanted to play with the group.
Billy hogged the video game when his friend was over for a playdate.
Penelope agreed with the group's decision to study pandas even though she wanted to study tigers.
Nick made fun of Jayson for getting the math answer wrong.
Olin congratulated Trevor for winning the soccer game.
Jack invited the new student to sit with him at lunch.
Aria talked about Theresa in a negative way to her friend.
Mark got mad at Scott for disagreeing with him about which team is the best football team.
Mary complimented Jared for being a fast runner during the freeze tag game.
Nice work! Connor is able to be a "Koala"ty friend now - thanks to your help! He is much happier now and so are his friends! Think of some ways you can also be a...
During the day, Jen is a full-time school counselor at a Kindergarten through 8th-grade school. She has a Masters's in Social Work and has worked in the field since 1994. All of Jen’s products are vetted by the students she works with every day, which speaks volumes regarding their credibility and effectiveness to target the goals of the lessons.