Last week, Classtime visited the Frankfurt Book Fair to learn from many interesting presentations, engage in inspiring discussions, and collect plenty of great insights!
On Thursday at the Digitalpakt conference, several digital education experts, school leaders, researches, and politicians, discussed about the Digitalpakt in Germany. The education landscape currently faces tremendous challenges to adapt to the new requirements of the digital world. All parties agreed that the Digitalpakt bears a great chance for Germany to sustainably improve school learning. This not only demands a strong digital infrastructure, but also the involvement of educators in their professional development in regard to data protection and didactically meaningful ways to shape lessons in the context of digitization.
Friday’s highlight was Frankfurt EDU, a new international platform for education innovations. Questions about the future of learning and how technologies can support it were discussed and answered. In an inspiring conversation “Learning first, Technology second” (organized by ISTE), Florian Sochatzy and Marcus Ventzke discussed presented their new book “Bildung neu gestalten” (“Redesigning Education”), and several EdTech startups presented their innovations. The outlook that was already shared at the Digitalpakt conference came up again: digitization offers new ways to personalize learning, make it more efficient, and support it better. However, the success of these endeavors depends on the ability of industry, pedagogy, politics, and research to collaborate closely.
We look forward to continue contributing to this mission and outlook!