Strategic Thinking in Math

CAASPP Improvement for California Districts

CAASPP Math Program

We help forward-thinking Californian districts achieve significant CAASPP math score improvements.

Gain full access to our Strategic Thinking in Math Assessments and professional development that helps teachers to see significant score improvement with minimal effort.

Contact us for more information about improving your district's CAASPP Math scores.

We are proud to work on Strategic Thinking in Math with forward-thinking educators at:



Ontario-Montclair School District

Our kick-off training at Ontario-Montclair School District. We introduced educators to techniques for identifying why students miss questions and integrating Strategic Thinking into their instruction.

We help California districts:

Drive effective instruction in less time by allowing teachers to immediately understand why students are struggling with specific CAASPP math questions. We help teachers determine if the problem is with the content, the technology involved with the type of question, or the type of strategic thinking the question is asking for, which has resulted in increases of
Δ +20% CAASPP Math improvements year-on-year.

Your Situation:

  • Your goal is to improve CAASPP Math Standards Met by Δ 20%+.
  • You may have interim benchmark assessments CAASPP textbooks in place but the data isn't helping you clearly identify why students are struggling.
  • Your core curriculum helps to teach content, but does not address mathematical strategic thinking or advanced tech types.
  • Your teachers have a lot on their plates and are resistant to adding new programs. They need to achieve significant score improvements with very minimal effort.

Our Solution:

  • Give time back to teachers with real time actionable data that shows immediately if students are struggling with content, tech types, or strategic thinking.
  • Gain access to thousands of questions aligned with the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practices that assess every CCSS math standard for grades 1-8.
  • We visit sites in person for professional development to provide personalized recommendations for remediation.
  • We provide Strategic Thinking in Math training for all teachers to understand the basics of recognizing different types of strategic thinking.
CAASPP Aligned Curriculum

CAASPP Aligned Content

Aligned with the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practices, our content allows teachers to address the unique CAASPP question types by helping them recognize the Strategic Thinking skills required within each question and then clearly articulating them to students.

Personalized Data Analysis

We provide insights that demonstrate what students are struggling with. Teachers can analyze both their classes' performance and drill down into each student's answer, helping them create learning centers where they can differentiate their instruction.

Personalized CAASPP Data Analysis
CAASPP Question Types

CAASPP Question Types

Learn how to spot and address the common mistakes students make on the different types of CAASPP math question formats - including multiple choice, checkboxes, free text, highlight text, tables, sorting and hot spot. Our free text section also uses artificial intelligence to grade more complex responses should you desire it.

Recommended Implementation and Training

Personalized CAASPP Data Analysis

Professional Development

Our professional development sessions include breakdowns of existing benefits, deep-dives into specific areas, and an analysis of CAASPP-like questions by identifying the types of Strategic Thinking in Math found in each question.

Leadership Support & Encouragement

A weekly usage report per teacher allows school leaders to share experiences, celebrate successes, and collect valuable feedback for continuous improvement and encouragement.

Integrate Classtime with Existing Lessons

The suggested usage of Classtime is one question set per week focused on one standard. Implement the curriculum with an average time investment of 15-30 minutes per week.

24/7 Customer Support

Our support continues to be available to your educators daily with a dedicated support person via phone, email, and live chat with a 24-hour reply time to ensure your educators’ success.

People Also Ask:

What's changed from the CST to the CAASPP?
Before the CAASPP, there was the CST (California Standards Test). The CST had two cognitive stressors for students to tackle: content and vocabulary. On the CAASPP, not only do students need to master content and vocabulary, but they also need to navigate advanced technology including checkboxes and item interactions, and use strategic mathematical strategic thinking to decipher what a question is asking of them. 

Can I differentiate the questions for my students of varying levels? 
We understand that many classes contain students of varying levels. Some students might be performing in math at a 3rd-grade level while in a 4th grade class. We offer plenty of flexibility for these circumstances. Teachers will get access to question sets for every CAASPP math grade level and with Classtime’s session creator, educators can merge question sets from varying grade levels.  

My kids knew the content but still struggled with CAASPP Math, why? 
Often teachers feel frustrated when they know they’ve taught the content perfectly but they still see students struggling on the CAASPP Math exam. This is because many students are performing at Level 2 and Level 3, which indicates that they understand the content, but they struggle with tech types and mathematical strategic thinking. In our experience, these students have the most potential to improve quickly.

How much does it cost? 
Pricing for the CAASPP Math program is built of two components. First is the school license which includes unlimited teachers at a site. Second is the pricing per PD day. We usually recommend starting with five professional development days at a minimum.

My teachers are so overwhelmed. Isn’t this one more thing to add to their full plates?
We are very sensitive to teachers being overwhelmed. Our goal is not to add something unnecessary to teachers' plates, but instead, we come in and specialize in the area of strategic thinking in math that is not optional for significant score improvement. We help teachers to save time with our real-time data that shows teachers immediately if students are struggling with content, tech types, or strategic thinking, allowing them to spend less time on analysis and more time on instruction.

Learn more about CAASPP Math Improvement for California Schools today: