School License

School Analytics. Integrations. Centralized Questions. Professional Development.

Bring Classtime to your school.

Benefit from real-time analytics, integrations for your existing technology, centralization of questions, and professional development.

Contact us for more information about licenses for schools.

“Seeing the efficiency when it comes to assigning benchmark exams through my learning management system, and being able to disable the round-based mode was amazing for me;
it blew my mind that I had that management and control.”

Susana Ochoa, Elementary Teacher at Lynwood USD
Lynwood Unified School District Logo

School Licenses - what's included?

School Licenses

> Identify learner gaps in real-time.
> Centralize your questions easily.
> Integrate Classtime into your universe.
> Make technology integration easy for every teacher.


> Advanced scoring with partial points.
> Export detailed student & class reports.
> Engage students with collaborative games.


> Challenge students with 10 question types.
> Conduct unlimited sessions with students.
> Access 50,000+ questions, or create your own.

Identify learner gaps in real-time.

Leverage our data analytics to track activity and performance of all students across your school. Identify learner gaps immediately and make data-driven decisions to boost student achievement.

School Analytics ReportPerformance School AnalyticsSchool Report

Co-Teachers for Classes

Invite co-teachers (teaching assistants, substitute teachers, school leadership) to your Classes and share access to Sessions and student analytics.

Centralize your questions easily.

Import existing questions from other sources to Classtime and let teachers access them seamlessly.

Teaching material

Have some already prepared questions?
Import them to your Questions.

Shared Folders

Create private content folders for your school.
Easily co-create and access shared content with colleagues.

Integrate Classtime into your universe.

Get started quickly by integrating Classtime with your existing platforms or learning management systems (e.g. Google Classroom) for seamless data exchange.

Make technology integration easy for every teacher.

We provide thorough and continuous professional development of your teachers for Classtime, removing entry barriers for your teachers and making sure the tools are used to the best benefit of your students.

Students in class

In-person seminars and workshops

Tailored professional development by Classtime experts to empower your teachers to support every learner.

Online training

Full flexibility with Classtime experts via online video sessions - anywhere, anytime.

Keep your data secure.

  • Trusted by millions of educators and learners globally.

  • Schools own their data, we secure it.

  • All data is automatically secured with TLS encryption.

  • Certified server and platform service providers.

  • We are vetted by various data protection organizations (CSDA, Privatim, Educa).

Learn more about school licenses today!